Chicken Breast vs Chicken Thigh: Which Cut is Best?

Written By Ollie Cartwright


Two of the most popular cuts of chicken are chicken breast and chicken thigh. To the untrained eye, when sliced up, it can be a little challenging to tell the difference but how do these two cuts compare to one another?

Chicken breast is lean and mild, best cooked quickly to prevent it from drying out, while thigh is richer and suited to slow cooking where the fat can melt, leaving you with moist and juicy chicken.

What is Chicken Breast?

Chicken breast is the leaner part of the chicken, taken from the pectoral muscle on the underside of the chicken. It is known for its low-fat content and high protein density, making it a popular choice for health-conscious eaters and gym-goers.

It is found in an area of the chicken that doesn’t do much work. It’s a bit of a passenger. This is why it doesn’t have much fat or muscle that needs to be broken down. This also works against chicken breasts as they can be a little bland and dry.

The best way to cook chicken breast is to either poach it, to keep it moist, or to sear it on high heat quickly and then finish in the oven.

To ensure even cooking and prevent dryness, it’s often beneficial to marinate the breast or use a brine before cooking. Pounding the breast to an even thickness can also promote uniform cooking.

What is Chicken Thigh?

The chicken thigh is taken from the top part of the chicken leg above the knee joint that is connected to the body of the chicken. It’s a darker meat compared to chicken breast and is known for its tenderness and rich flavour due to a higher fat content.

The best way to cook chicken thigh is to slow roast or grill to achieve a crispy skin while keeping the inside juicy.

Braising or stewing are also excellent methods for cooking thighs, as the longer cooking times allow the fat to render and the meat to become tender, enhancing the flavour of the dish.

Is Chicken Thigh Tastier Than Chicken Breast?

Yes! You’ve probably heard the saying ‘fat is flavour’ and this is especially true with chicken. Chicken thigh has a lot more fat than chicken breast and, therefore, far more flavour.

Similarities Between Breast and Thigh

Besides the obvious fact that they both come from a chicken, there are a few more similarities between these two cuts to be aware of:

  • Versatile Use in Cooking: Chicken breasts and thighs can be cooked in various ways, including grilling, baking, and frying, making them adaptable to numerous recipes. This tends to be the case for both cuts, although each cut will benefit from different methods.
  • Nutritional Value: Each cut provides a range of nutrients, including essential B vitamins, which support body functions such as energy production and creating new blood cells.
  • Cooking Treatment: Both chicken cuts easily absorb marinades and spices, enhancing their flavour and making them suitable for various cuisines.
  • Availability: Chicken breasts and thighs are both readily available in supermarkets and butchers, making them accessible choices.

Differences Between Breast and Thigh

The list of differences is fairly substantial, even if they do both come from a chicken:

  • Fat Content: Chicken thighs have a higher fat content, contributing to their moistness and flavour, while chicken breasts are leaner. Due to the higher fat content, chicken thighs are more calorie-dense compared to leaner breast meat.
  • Cooking Behavior: Chicken breast tends to dry out if overcooked, whereas thighs are more forgiving due to their fat content and remain juicy even with longer cooking times. With a low and slow cook, the fat will melt giving you succulent thighs.
  • Texture and Taste: Breast is denser and milder in flavour, making it a good canvas for various seasonings, while thigh is tender with a richer, more pronounced taste.
  • Price Point: Typically, chicken breast is priced higher than thighs, reflecting its popularity. It’s the go-to option for many people (even if it’s not the tastiest).
  • Preparation Requirements: Chicken breasts often require careful preparation, such as pounding for even thickness to cook evenly, while thighs are more consistent in thickness and require less preparation, especially if purchased with the bone removed.
Can You Substitute Chicken Breast for Thigh?

Yes, you can. Chicken breast typically takes 20-30 minutes, depending on size and method, while thighs cook at the same temperature for 40-50 minutes due to their denser and fattier structure.

Chicken Breast vs Chicken Thigh: Which Wins?

If you could only use one or the other in your cooking for the rest of your life, which are you voting for? Are you opting for the leaner and healthier chicken breast or the tastier and more forgiving chicken thigh?

Do You Prefer Chicken Breast or Chicken Thigh?

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