How to Microwave Beetroot

Written By Ross Young


Beetroot are earthy, packed full of flavour and good for you. The problem with raw beetroot is that they often take over an hour to steam or roast. So can you microwave beetroot to speed up the cooking process or is it best avoided? Yes!

To microwave beetroot, pierce it with a fork in multiple places then pop into a microwave-safe dish with some water and microwave for around 10 to 15 minutes.

How to Microwave Beetroot

There is only one approach you can take when microwaving beetroot and we’ve outlined it below. The whole process will take roughly 20 minutes:

  1. Prepare Beetroot
    Give the beetroot a good scrub to remove excess dirt and grit then stab the beetroot with a fork. This will help the heat to penetrate.
  2. Place Into Microwave-Safe Dish
    Grab a dish suitable for the microwave, ideally one with a lid, and place the beetroot into the dish. They must all fit in one singular layer.
  3. Add Water and Cover
    Add water to cover the bottom 25% of the beetroot then cover the dish with the lid. You can use a plate if it does not have a lid.
  4. Microwave on Full Power for 12 Minutes
    Microwave the beetroot on full power for 12 minutes.
  5. Check and Continue Microwaving
    Check that the beetroot is cooked. We would advise doing so with a fork and not a knife. A fork should easily slide into the centre of the beetroot with little resistance. If it is still a little hard, microwave for 5 minutes.
  6. Leave in Microwave for 10 Minutes
    Let the cooked beetroot sit in the microwave for 10 minutes to cool down.
  7. Peel
    Once the beetroot is cool enough to handle, peel them either using a knife, vegetable y-peeler or even your hands as the skins should pull away. Beetroot will stain anything so we would recommend wearing disposable gloves.
Peeling Cooked Beetroot

How to Microwave Beetroot Successfully

You now know the basic method for microwaving beetroot. But there are a few tips and tricks you may want to know to help you on your way. Here are three:

  • Opt for Small Quantities – As you add more and more beetroot to the dish, there is an increased risk that the beetroot will cook unevenly. Try to limit it to 3 or 4 whole beetroots to prevent this from being an issue.
  • Use Beetroot of the Same Size – As above, if you were to use beetroot of differing sizes, they’ll cook unevenly. Try to pick out beetroot that is all roughly the same size.
  • Wear Gloves When Peeling – Beetroot will stain anything. It is used to dye clothing after all! That is why it is a good idea to wear gloves when peeling them.

Why You Should Microwave Beetroot

There are a couple of clear advantages to using the microwave for cooking beetroot:

Super Speedy

As you have probably worked out by now, cooking beetroot in the microwave is so much quicker than any other method. It takes around a quarter of the time of the usual methods making it super speedy.

Mess Free Method

There is very little mess to contend with. You only need one bowl and a lid when cooking beetroot in the microwave. There’s no risk of it bubbling over, ruining your hob and turning every purple.

Why You Shouldn’t Microwave Beetroot

However, there are some drawbacks which you need to be made aware of:

Lack of Flavour

Some beetroot aficionados claim that microwaved beetroot lacks some flavour and that the flavour drains into the liquid. This may be the case but will be less noticeable if you plan on dressing it with vinegar.

Ultimately, anything cooked quicker than it should is going to lack the depth of flavour you might be used to. But it all comes down to the end use for the beetroot.

Only Suitable for Smaller Quantities

When roasting or boiling beetroot, you can use a far larger quantity. When microwaving, you need to limit it to 3 or 4 whole beetroot to avoid them cooking unevenly. Generally speaking, however, 3 or 4 is plenty.

Microwaving Beetroot FAQs

If you still have questions about microwaving beetroot, then check these FAQs out:

Can You Thaw Beetroot in the Microwave?

If you have frozen beetroot that you want to thaw, then you can defrost it in the microwave. You must use either a defrost setting or the lowest power setting available otherwise you risk cooking your beetroot and turning it soggy.

Is Microwaving Beetroot Bad For You?

No, microwaving a beetroot is not bad for you and will not ruin the beetroot in the process either. It is just a quick, convenient method for cooking a vegetable that often takes a lot longer to cook through.

What is the Healthiest Way to Cook Beetroot?

The healthiest method for cooking beetroot is to steam them for 15 minutes or so. This involves no added fat. The only ingredient is beetroot.

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